Sunday, August 31, 2008

Social Committee Strikes Again....

This post is really just for my mom:)...  A couple months back, two of my friends, Karoline and Steph and myself joined forces to take over as the "social committee" for the ward nurses on the ship.  Nurses are always coming and going here, and so it is really nice to plan a little get together every month or so, just so we can all have some time together away from work to get to know each other a bit more.   Much to our surprise, our first two events have turned out even better than we thought... turns out our gifts work well together:  Steph does about 80% of the baking... I do about 20% of the baking.... and Karoline pulls together all of the rest of the logistics (the part of the job that Steph and I hate....).  Our first event was a coffee house night, and the second was a brunch.... So, Mom, here's some of the pics to give you a little idea:)...........

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