Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bible Study Girls Visit Ship

Yep, it is that time again:)... that time that seems to roll around every month or so, when I realize I have not blogged in WAY too long!!  Sorry-o.  I don't know how time passes so very quickly. Last month was full of so many special things...  amongst them was a visit to the ship from our Bible Study girls.  They came out on a Sunday afternoon and had a tour of the ship, saw our rooms, where we work, and stayed for dinner.  They all came dressed in some of their nicest clothes and giggled and laughed their way through the whole afternoon.  I think they really love to be on the ship with us and to see a bit of this world.  What a blessing it has been to have these girls in our lives during this time.  I love them so much.  Here are some pictures from our time...


Unknown said...

I'm so happy to finally have seen the faces of these beautiful girls I've heard so much about. Thanks Honey! Mama

Unknown said...

Actually, the comment just published was from me. My friend Marcia used this computer!! Mama