Tuesday, August 19, 2008

From S. Korea to Liberia... with love...

Last month, a package arrived from my sister.  In it there were some small cars and some other small toys to give to the kids on the hospital ward.  It just happened that our census was down, and there were only three children in the hospital at the time, and they were three of my favorites~!  So, I thought that these little boys would like the cars, but I had no idea just what a hit it would make.  For the next few days, there were car races down the hallway, the construction of ramps and other things for the cars to go flying down, and all sorts of fun with the little cars.  Two of the boys have now gone home, but Kossi is still here with us.  And when I see him, he STILL says, "How is your sista??  Tell her tank you!  I love the car."  And he really does.  He is always in his wheelchair, and the car is always tucked in beside him.  A small gift has gone a very long way...:)  Thank you to my nieces Ella and Maija, and Caleb for sharing your toys, and thank you to my sister, Julie, who now has a big fan in Liberia:)!!!

Prince and Kossi

James, Prince, and Kossi with their cars!


Payne said...

It's the little things....you are so great Jules!!!
I miss you Becks! I hope you are doing great! HP :)

Laura said...

That is so cool! I'd love for my boys to get used to sending things to kids like that...maybe I'll get a package together! Love seeing your heart and what you're up to!! You're still the same amazing woman of God I've always loved...praying for you today!