Saturday, November 17, 2007


So, really I had this dress made the first month I was here (don't be deceived by the recent blog regarding the trip to the tailor...that trip was quite awhile has just taken me this long to become good at getting pics on the blog) But last Sunday was truly the first time I wore the dress in public. Try not to laugh at the WHITE woman in the Liberian church. Nope, no blending in here...even with the African dress. These are my friends, Nadine (green) and Mary Lou (white)...and they are wonderful. The picture is from the church Mary Lou attends regularly, and I have been there twice during my time here. It is called Bethel Sanctuary of Praise.


Nadine said...

'they' definately are wonderful, as are you!! Cool pictures. I'd love if you sent them to me or put them on the transfer drive.

Vickie said...

Radiant. It makes my heart leap with joy to see you with the children. Love, Mama