Monday, May 26, 2008

Sleepover at Mama Vic's

Two weekends ago, my friends Sarah and Stephanie and I went to Mama Vic's (the orphanage in town where we have Bible study with some of the older teenage girls) to spend the night.  We went with the girls to the local market and bought rice, potato greens, peppers, fish and oil and then returned to the orphanage for a little lesson in cooking Liberian food.  When the food was ready, it was all put in the worlds biggest bowl, and we all sat around it and dove in!  We ate, we got our hair platted, we listened to the never-ending chatter of the girls (teenagers are the same universally -- I am pretty convinced) and when it was time to go to bed, we all crammed into one room.  Sarah, Stephanie, and I were given the bed while all the girls crammed themselves on the floor like sardines! It was a true slumber party:)
My love for these girls is growing, and after spending more time with them that weekend, I am starting to really see their varied and vibrant personalities coming out.  They are lovely and I am blessed to have the opportunity to continue to get to know them and to walk alongside them for this season.  Please pray for these young women... Mary, Alice, Annie, Annie, Jerline, Kortu, Betty, Regina, and Ruth.  Pray that they would continue to walk with the Lord, and that His Spirit would really take hold in their hearts and continue to guide them into all Truth in their lives. 

1 comment:

Payne said...

Thank you for adding pictures Becky. Love it! Miss you so much friend! HP :)