Monday, September 3, 2007

Liberia.....the far side of the sea....

here I am!!....well the long-awaited adventure has begun:). i am happy and Thankful to finally be HERE on board the Africa Mercy after many many hours on airplanes and in airports. and unbelievably things went as smoothly as possible on my journey here...i think i can say many prayers were answered (thank you for praying)!!!
a couple fun things from the trip over...
i was able to meet up with some other nurses traveling to Mercy Ships on my final flight into monrovia! a couple of girls from Holland...which was great, not only that, but the chief medical officer, Dr. Gary Parker (who has been on Mercy Ships for more than 20 years) and his family were also on board the flight. They are so kind and made the entrance to Liberia a little less stressful as we followed their lead through customs,etc! And as if that were not enough, on board our airplane was none other than the PRESIDENT of Liberia!!! She did a little walk about the plane, stopping at my new friends sitting in front of me, greeted them and thanked them for coming to Liberia!! HA!! How about that for a welcome to this country?!
I do confess after 30 some hours of traveling and arriving at a large ship in the dark and settling my belongings into a room about the size of a college dorm room with four people permanently living in it...i did have to think to myself .....WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DOING?!?!?! usual, the morning brought with it new perspective, and God's promise that His mercies are NEW every morning. I have found a couple of friends from past mercy ships adventures on board, and have begun the process of making some new friends as i meet some wonderful people from around the world. today has been much orientation that will continue this week...i will have my first day orienting on the ward with patients on wednesday, and am really looking forward to it.
Before I left, my mom read me a verse at my going away party from psalm 139... 'if I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.' When I arrived last night, there couldn't be a better description for how i felt....most certainly on the FAR side of the sea. What a great promise and reminder that I have been clinging to, and know to be true. God's hand is holding me, and I am doing my best to cling to Him!
One thing is certain...many adventures lie in the months ahead. Thank you for your prayers! I love you all and will try to be in touch via the blog....still not sure what is realistic for how much/ how often I will be able to write, but I will do my best:) Thinking of you all with much thankfulness!!


Payne said...

Yea!!! You made it! I am so happy! God Bless you sista!! HP

Unknown said...

Becks...I love you, cousin!!! Loved your LOTR commentary. Hey...any Pearl Harbor analogies? :)

Unknown said...

Hi Becky,
I left the ship a month ago and enjoy reviewing the comments of recent arrivals through their blogs. Enjoy what God has in store for you while you are there.

Many blessings
Winnie Dray

Dad said...

Good Morning Becky!! It was so good talking to you yesterday and I love your blog. It will be fun to be a part of your experiences in this way. Not a bad start- - -meeting the President of Liberia! I hope you are enjoying your day of freedom today as you anticipate your first day of orientation tomorrow. I love you little girl.
God bless you! Dad

Leah said...

Becks - So glad you had a good travel experience. Meeting the president on the way over - can't get a better start! I'm so glad things are going smoothly and I hope you are able to BEGIN to adjust over the next week(s). Thinking of you.
Love, Leah