Friday, September 21, 2007

Mercy's On Its Way

1 comment:

CLO, Port Moresby said...


It's good to see the wandering gene still in the family. VVF hit you like genital mutilation ("female circumcision...") hit me. I love Liberian dresses! Your impressions reminded me of mine in Khartoum in 1989:


Week 1: Africa hot. Everything takes on the appearance of mirage. Stately black women, bundles balanced securely on their heads. Stately black men of warrior ancestry, tribal scars. Microcosm of humanity. Dizzying contrasts--life and death, beauty and squalor, joy and pain, abundance and hunger. Cacophony of voices murmuring mantras of survival.

Much love to you; keep on blogging!

Uncle t.